Does Food Lion Drug Test?

Finding employment can be a challenging process, especially if you have concerns about pre-employment drug screening. Many major companies require drug tests before hiring new employees, which understandably causes anxiety for some job seekers. If you’re currently applying for positions at Food Lion, you may be wondering – does Food Lion drug test

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll provide insight into Food Lion’s drug testing policies. You’ll learn whether they require testing, what types of tests are used, and what happens if an applicant fails. 

We’ll also cover background checks, pay schedules, and application tips. By the end, you’ll understand everything you need to know about getting hired at Food Lion. Whether you’re a prospective employee or just curious, read on for the details.

What is a Food Lion?

Food Lion is an American supermarket chain owned by Ahold Delhaize with over 1100 stores located primarily on the East Coast, in the Southeast, and Midwest regions of the United States. Based in Salisbury, North Carolina, it was founded in 1957 as Food Town by Wilson Smith, Ralph Ketner, and Brown Ketner. 

The Food Lion name was adopted in 1983 after acquiring the Lloyd’s Supermarkets chain. As one of the largest supermarket brands in the country, Food Lion employs over 63,000 associates across 10 states. 

The company emphasizes low prices as part of its brand strategy. Food Lion stores offer a full grocery selection including fresh produce, meat and seafood, bakery and deli items, health and beauty products, and household essentials.

Does Food Lion Drug Test?

Does Food Lion Drug Test

In general, Food Lion does not require pre-employment drug tests for most positions such as cashiers, stockers, or customer service associates. The company focuses more on skills, availability, and fit when hiring for store-level roles. 

However, Food Lion does reserve the right to test any prospective employee if they suspect drug use or for safety-sensitive positions. Jobs that directly involve operating heavy machinery like forklifts may involve screening. District managers or corporate roles are also more likely to get tested. 

But again, for the majority of in-store jobs, Food Lion does not make drug testing mandatory before extending a job offer. 

The company prefers to avoid the cost and hassle of testing every single applicant when it’s not necessary. That being said, random drug testing is always a possibility after getting hired. Employees could be asked to test at any time. 

But overall, pre-employment testing is not standard protocol at most Food Lion locations. Knowing that drug screening is not guaranteed upfront can certainly ease the job search process.

What is a 5-Panel Urine Test and What Drugs It Can Reveal?

A 5-panel urine drug test is the most common type of pre-employment drug screening. It is used to detect the presence of 5 different types of drugs or their metabolites in a urine sample.

The 5 drugs tested for in a standard 5-panel urine screen are:

  1. Cocaine: Cocaine and its metabolites can be detected in urine for up to 3 days after last use.
  2. Marijuana: THC and its metabolites can show up in urine for up to 30 days after last use in regular users.
  3. Opiates: Codeine, morphine, heroin, and other opiates can be detected 1-4 days after use.
  4. Amphetamines/Methamphetamines: Amphetamine, methamphetamine, MDMA, and similar stimulants can be detected 1-3 days after use.
  5. PCP: Phencyclidine can be found in urine for up to 8 days after use.

A 5-panel drug test provides a broad screening that covers the most common illegal drugs and prescription medications that are frequently abused. A sample is checked for these 5 classes of drugs specifically.

Does Food Lion Do Background Checks?

Yes, Food Lion does conduct background checks on all new hires. This allows them to verify identity and qualifications as well as check for any red flags in an applicant’s history. A clean background check is required to move forward in the hiring process. 

The areas specifically reviewed include criminal history, sex offender registries, credit reports, and education/employment verification. Driving records are also inspected if operating a company vehicle is part of the job duties. 

Any issues in these categories can potentially disqualify candidates from being hired. Food Lion uses background checks as a precautionary measure to avoid negligent hiring situations in the interest of safety and security. While background screens are required, drug tests are not in most cases. But both are standard procedures at Food Lion before officially joining the team.

Does Food Lion Pay Weekly?

No, Food Lion does not pay employees on a weekly basis. Instead, they utilize a bi-weekly pay schedule where associates receive their wages every other week rather than once per week. Paydays alternate between Thursdays and Fridays in alignment with the two-week pay periods. 

While some retail companies process payroll weekly, Food Lion found that bi-weekly was more efficient for their large workforce spread across hundreds of locations. The less frequent pay schedule allows for consolidated accounting and processing. 

Of course, employees may prefer being paid each week, but bi-weekly schedules are common among major corporations and grocery chains. It provides a predictable system for both managers and associates. Food Lion employees can expect to be paid every other Friday in most regions. The familiar routine makes it easy to budget and plan around the bi-weekly payroll.


How to apply for Food Lion?

You can apply online at their website or in person at your nearest Food Lion store. Bring your resume and be prepared for an on-the-spot interview. Hiring kiosks are also located in some stores.

How to pass the Food Lion drug test?

As pre-employment testing is not required for most positions, this may not be necessary. But if needed for specific roles, the best way to pass is to avoid any drug use that could result in a positive test.

What drug test type does Food Lion use?

 Food Lion administers urine analysis tests if drug testing is required. Urine samples would be collected at approved testing sites and screened for a standard 5-panel test which can detect THC, cocaine, opiates, amphetamines, and PCP.

What if I failed a drug test?

Failing a Food Lion-administered drug test would likely result in a rescinded job offer. Candidates may be able to reapply after a waiting period, but a positive drug test is grounds for disqualification.


While Food Lion reserves the right to test, pre-employment drug screening is generally not required for most in-store positions. Background checks are mandatory, however. Pay schedules follow a predictable bi-weekly routine. 

By understanding Food Lion’s hiring practices, job seekers can feel confident about the application process. We hope this overview eases any worries related to drug testing. Best of luck with your Food Lion application!

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